Blog: «Learning from Corona»
There is a lot to learn about the potential of design in crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The interdisciplinary working group "HCCD Health Care Communication Design" from Berne started a blog in mid-March called 'Learning from Corona'. It is mainly concerned with questions concerning the visualisation of the current pandemic, as well as related issues in the health care system that have become visible through the crisis, i.e. infographics, prevention campaigns and pop-cultural models analysing analyses how processes in the healthcare sector are designed in general. The contributions are published in a loose sequence.
Since 2007, the HCCD working group has been working on interdisciplinary projects dealing with questions concerning the effects of design in the health care system. It brings together researchers from design, nursing research, architecture, economics and medical informatics. They are investigating such diverse topics as the design of patient rooms, communication with small patients, or how apps improve the administration of medication.