
Benjamin Bichsel

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Rechte: Benjamin Bichsel
Zeitraum: 2015 - 2015

Each year several thousand wild boars are hunted in Switzerland. Unfortunately, only the meat of these animals is used. All other parts are disposed of. The aim of the project „Sanglier“ is to also make use of the precious hide. The simple design focuses on the unique optic of the leather, marked by life in the wilderness. To allow an efficient manufacturing process the bag has only one seam. „Sanglier“ can be used as a tote bag or as a backpack. Sanglier – a piece of Switzerland’s wilderness.

Benjamin Bichsel

Curriculum Vitae

My name is Benjamin Bichsel, I completed my master's degree in product design at ECAL in 2020. Born in 1993, I studied at the HGK FHNW in Basel during my Bachelor's degree.

After working in Zurich as a product and store designer, I gained further experience as an intern at TAF Studio in Stockholm and Foster + Partners in London.

Furthermore, I started my own business producing and selling the bag „Sanglier“.

My projects were exhibited in the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich and at various fairs in Milan, Paris, Cologne and Shenzhen.