
Jean-Philippe Bonzon

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Kunde: jzhome
Rechte: jzhome
Zeitraum: 2023

Inspired by necklaces and bracelets, I created these pendant mirrors as a jewel for the walls. The installation of this mirror is simplified by using a simple round hook as if hanging a picture on the wall. A robust and colorful cord allows you to select the color and length to add your personal touch.
JPBDesign Studio

Jean-Philippe Bonzon Designer
Chemin de Boston 8
T +41 (0)76 309 35 37

Curriculum Vitae
Jean-Philippe Bonzon is a Swiss-Argentinian designer born in Lausanne. He studied in Switzerland, where he obtained his degree in Product and Industrial Design from the École Cantonal d'Art de Lausanne (écal) in 2007. One year later, he won the prestigious Swiss Design Awards. After some work experience in New York, he moved to Shanghai in 2009. He worked and collaborated with several architectural firms such as Neri&Hu, Line-House, Norm.Architects and set up his own practice in 2014, Jpbdesign Studio.

He also developed furniture and products for different brands such as MatzForm, EndlessForm® (founder: Zhang Zhoujie), Mobilab Gallery, and JZhome Denmark. In 2018 he was selected for the Swiss Design Awards and exhibited his works at the Art Basel Messe in Switzerland and was rewarded with a Gold Idea Design Award 2018 and 2019, in Shanghai.

Since 2014, Jpbdesign Studio has developed products for architecture companies such as furniture, lighting, and home accessories based on a simple aesthetic, and functionality. Under his name, he also creates art installations for Tai Ping Showroom, the Kohler Art Collection, Moleskine, and Louis Vuitton.

He also taught at the China Academy of Art (CAA) in Hangzhou, at the Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique in Shanghai, E-Art Campus Hangzhou (ensci) and at the Tongji University D&I - Shanghai.