AGI Open 2024
On October 3/4, 2024, the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) conference, AGI Open, will take place at Stadtcasino Basel and HGK Basel. This international conference on communication design and our visually designed environment is dedicated to the theme "Perspectives."
The AGI Open Conference 2024 will feature 30 lectures and round tables by both internationally renowned designers and emerging talents. Drawing from their diverse backgrounds, they will share their perspectives on the future developments of communication design, its societal impact, integration with digital technologies, and its relationship to design education.
AGI Open, featuring a curated lecture program at Stadtcasino Basel and exhibitions at HGK Basel campus, offers a platform for students, professionals, and the general public to not only gain diverse inspirations but also engage in dialogues with successful designers.
Among the speakers and round table participants are: Andreu Balius (Spain), Peter Bilak (Netherlands), Rejan Dal Bello (England), April Greiman (USA), Anja Kaiser (Germany), Zach Lieberman (USA), Ahn Sang Soo (South Korea), Shiva Nallaperumal (India), Isabel Seiffert and Christoph Miler (Switzerland), Toan Vu-Huu and André Baldinger (France).
Founded in Basel in 1951 by Basel graphic designers Fritz Bühler and Donald Brun together with three French colleagues, the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) has grown into an international network of 543 graphic and communication designers from 47 countries. AGI advocates for the advancement of visual communication and ethical practices in both analog and digital communication channels.
Organizing team members of AGI Open Basel 2024 include Priscilla Balmer, Demian Conrad, Ivo Hählen, Jiri Oplatek, Michael Renner, and Mihály Varga.
Tickets can be booked online at
The detailed program will be continuously published on the website.
For updates and participant highlights, follow us on Instagram: @agigraphic