David Christie
Solution Architect, Bank Julius Baer & Co. AG


Kunde: further education
Rechte: Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-SA. See:
Zeitraum: 2019 - 2020
In June 2020 I completed an MAS in Strategic Design at the ZHdK in Zurich with distinction. The thesis title is “Global Warming – Action, not Apathy Getting to a Personal Action Plan and Starting a Grassroots Movement, through Design – The HEAT Method”. It is a design method to help individuals and households to develop personal action plans concerning global warming following a structured workshop process, which can be used in an individual, family-centred or a group workshop situation.
David Christie Solution Architect, Bank Julius Baer & Co. AG
Schrennengasse 17
T +41 76 440 75 44
Curriculum Vitae
– Born and grew up in South London
– Studied Physics at Oxford University and received a First Class B.A. degree, which was later commuted to an M.A.
– After starting work in London in a software house, lived in Belgium for four years before moving to Switzerland
– Married, with two grown up sons, living in Zurich, and in the meanwhile a Swiss citizen
– Worked most of my life in Information Technology, in the last twenty years or so in the Finance sector, primarily as an IT and Business Architect
– In September 2017, started my MAS Strategic Design studies at the Zurich University of the Arts (Design Department), completed MAS thesis in June 2020 with distinction.
Information Design
Design Management
Web Design