
Roberto Inderbitzin
Industrial Designer MA @ Reframe.ch

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WETROK Discomatic Bolero
Durée: 2014 - 2020
Entreprise: Christinger Partner AG

As the Swiss market leader in cleaning appliances, WETROK was looking for more compelling and contemporary design and turned to Reframe for support in designing a new and more distinctive Design DNA and implement it on their new family member. The result is the new Discomatic Bolero machine.
Reframe Design Studio

Roberto Inderbitzin Industrial Designer MA @ Reframe.ch
Schulhausstrasse 64
8002 Zürich
T +41 79 874 11 73

Curriculum Vitae

J Roberto Inderbitzin has a well-founded design know-how and has worked with some of the world˜s leading brands. Born in Mexico City and raised in Switzerland, the USA, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Roberto is now living in Zurich, Switzerland. As a trained polymechanic, he worked in various positions and companies, before he graduated as a Master of Design at the Zurich University of the Arts.
He taught Industrial Design at the university Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico.

He is a former member of the main jury of the Swiss Technology Awards and has been one of the external consultants at the Startzentrum since 2018.