
Sarah Hossli
Sarah Hossli Product Design

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Lotte - Aiding independence in old age
Client: Girsberger Customized Furniture
Droits: ECAL/Sarah Hossli
Durée: 2020 - 2022

We should all be able to get up and sit down on our own regardless of age or ability. However, due to age-related impairments this becomes challenging for many elderly people, limiting their freedom in everyday life. With its extended armrests that go all around and serve as a handrail, this armchair enables the user to get up intuitively in a position with minimal resistance.
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Sarah Hossli Sarah Hossli Product Design

Curriculum Vitae

Sarah’s design work is driven by her passion and interest in today’s cultural, societal, and ethical topics. She carefully analyses the social impacts of products while she creates objects that are both poetic and sensuous. In her works, she explores and uses the unique properties and distinctive qualities of the material.

During her working life as a designer, Sarah taught experimental three–dimensional sketching and furniture design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, while working as an independent designer.

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