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Rue du Grand Pré

58 Cour.
1202 Genève

Curriculum Vitae

We do not invent the jobs of tomorrow. Our students will thanks to strong values they will have developed in our school.

The challenges facing today's generation of designers come with economic and ecological consequences. Designers are the driving force behind a new business model that goes to the heart of the matter. They have to anticipate new needs as a second nature with form and function in alignment with expectations. Design has become strategic and brings concrete proof of relevance, performance and aesthetics. Thanks to its proven teaching methods used by some of the world's leading design and communications professionals, IPAC DESIGN GENEVA works every day to prepare students for the realities of today's professional world and tomorrow's.

To choose IPAC DESIGN GENEVA is to choose a school that is building its future with a new state of mind, connected to innovative companies that understand that designers have to invent a future with creativity, respect and responsibility. IPAC DESIGN GENEVA is filled with established professionals who are major players in the world of design. We practice openness, responsiveness and anticipation. The difference with IPAC Design Geneve is in our ability to create experiences that develop a desire for innovation, exploration, immersion and transversality, developing skills while still respecting an educational framework.

Domaines, types d'activité, champs d'action