
Michel Hueter

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Director & Curator, Design Preis Schweiz | Prix Design Suisse | Design Prize Switzerland
Client: Design Preis Schweiz | Prix Design Suisse | Design Prize Switzerland
Droits: Design Preis Schweiz | Prix Design Suisse | Design Prize Switzerland
Durée: 2010 - 2021
Entreprise: Design Preis Schweiz | Prix Design Suisse | Design Prize Switzerland

Economic and cultural relevance are our top priorities. The competition, which takes place every two years, is aimed at enhancing the significance of Swiss design. It awards prizes for outstanding achievements in all design disciplines relevant to industry. Visit the website www.designpreis.ch to see the latest edition and join us at our events.

Oberer Quai 8
2503 Biel/Bienne
T +41 78 818 3774

Curriculum Vitae

Born 1972 in Switzerland. Started his professional career in the Swiss watch industry. He first gained work experience in International Sales, then soon specialised in Public Relations. After seven years at different brands of the Swatch Group Ltd., he moved on to a Zurich based PR agency specialised in mandates at the interface between the public and private sector.

This experience brought him to Presence Switzerland – a body of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, where he first was handling pro-jects and Asian markets before becoming in charge of communications and marketing for major international events such as the Swiss participa-tion at the World Expo in Aichi Japan.

After seven years he once again joined a brand of the Swatch Group for a re-positioning mission before he eventually got engaged as Curator of the Design Prize Switzerland, a privately organised association that awards and promotes some of the best of Swiss Design innovations and prod-ucts.