
Lucie Herter

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Droits: R2Home
Durée: 2022 - 2023

Every day, 1800 radiosondes are sent into the atmosphere to collect data and make weather forecasts. However, only 20% of the instruments are recovered worldwide. R2Home is a mechanism developed by a student of the EPFL to address this problem. It is a fully autonomous paragliding robot that navigates to a precise landing point defined by the user. My job was to transform the system into a product. It is about the development of the shell that protects this mechanism from cold, rain and shocks, and is mainly made of expanded polypropylene. The shell consists of two parts that can be assembled using PET pieces. All materials used can be easily recycled. Intuitive design, easily replaceable parts, environmentally friendly because reusable - R2Home is the next generation of radiosondes.
Adresse de contact

Lucie Herter

Curriculum Vitae
I was born on 1 June 1998 in Pontresina and I am Swiss citizen. After High School I completed foundation year at the Ecal. This year I completed my bachelor's degree at Ecal in industrial design with very good distinction. During the summer 2021, I did an internship at Sébastien El Idrissi. For my bachelor, I designed the shell for R2Home. This project become national runners-up of the James Dyson Award and is among the finalists worldwide. In September I started an internship at Big-Game. And in March 2023 I will start another internship at Multiple Design.
Domaines, types d'activité, champs d'action
